Annual Report – 2023
News Letter Feb-2023
What does inclusion mean to a mother of a special needs child?
Parents of children with developmental problems bear a lot of stress. A mother burnout is a common phenomenon, thanks to our patriarchal setup, where the sole responsibility of catering to a special needs child or even a neurotypical child rests majorly with the mother, 8 out of 10 times. The result is mother burnout! Sometimes, […]
Just Before You Reach The Stars
Child,You have been the chosen one!Chosen ones are cornered,inflicted in life’s threshing chamber,preparing you to reach the stars. The soul is tormented, tortured ..Sleep eludes them,a constant nagging worm,chagrins the mind, A demonic cloud suckout their life source,leaving them in the abyss , listless!the Almighty rectifying mistakes! Correcting his masterpiece,rearranging the pieces of puzzle.revamping the […]
Of Lemons & Lemonades
Parenting is no easy job, that too when you have a child with special needs. It is extra hard for plenty of reasons, but trust me; it is extremely rewarding. Sometimes you wonder where the rewards are, I would say, just dive deep down into your heart and answers will be right there for you […]
Discover New Horizons
I dedicate this article to all the lovely parents of children with special needs. Special needs include medical conditions, developmental delays, psychiatric conditions, physical impairments, and genetic disorders. Every parent goes through their bouts of victories and challenges, good days and bad days, rights and wrongs, to-dos and not to-dos while bringing up these children. […]